Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trumps New Book is out Now

"Time to Get Tough is without a doubt Donald Trump's best book and one packed with practical, serious policies to fix our crumbling country. But you have to buy it and actually READ it to know that."
"The most powerful chapters are chapter 2 "Take the Oil," chapter 5 "A Government We Can Afford," and chapter 7 "A Safety Net, Not a Hammock" (great chapter title).

On page 12, in chapter 2 "Take the Oil," Trump advocates a cost-sharing plan that our own Government Accountability Office (GAO) says would be a wise way to have Iraq share the costs of liberation. It would divert a portion of oil profits to the American families of soldiers, sailors, airmen, or Marines who have lost loved ones or have been wounded from the war in Iraq. It would also help defray the costs to the taxpayers. It's a brilliant idea that few people know about. Trump deserves credit for bringing it to light.

On page 67, chapter 5 "A Government We Can Afford," Trump begins a discussion of the massive spending and government waste in our system. He starts the chapter with this eye-popping statistic: "Every day, your government takes in $6 billion in revenue and spends $10 billion. That means every day the federal government has to borrow $4 billion more than it has." That chapter is as eye-opening as any I've ever read and contains numerous, detailed policy solutions for how to get our fiscal house back in order. Again, kudos to Trump. 
Finally, on page 113, chapter 7, "A Safety Net, Not a Hammock," Donald Trump goes into impressive detail about what the Wall Street Journal has dubbed the "Food Stamp Crime Wave." This part of the book enraged me; knowing how many people are suffering in this economy, it was repulsive to see how many people are bilking the system and selling food stamps they don't qualify for on Craigslist, Facebook, and elsewhere."

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