Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Trump Explains Selling Stock Exchange

Mr. Trump describes our selling outright of the American Stock Exchange to Germany. It is better than China, however the point he makes brilliantly is we should not do it because it is ours, it is America's.

Why did we do this? Because we are weak and a broke country brought forth by our leaders who have sold us out! They can't make deals with foreign country's who are ripping us off left and right.

Obama is worse than all the rest and if we don't get him out of office, it will take a long time to remedy what he has done. Mr. Trump can and will fix this mess as he is the ONLY one speaking the truth about how, why and who got us into this mess on both sides of the isle.

Donald Trump is a wise man and perceptive about the country's ills. He is not afraid of the media and frequently calls them dishonest and out right liars, to be nice.

The media said Mr. Trump had a horrible time and was miserable at the White House Correspondence Dinner where President Obama also spoke.  Mr Trump said in a video he put on Youtube that he had a great time and enjoyed himself very much. So much for the media reporting honestly without bias.

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