Thursday, November 17, 2011

Trump on Obama attacking Iran

"President Obama has no ability to negotiate" states Donald Trump, and "that is why it is possible that President Obama might start a war with Iran to get elected". "That would be an outrage" says Trump.

Does Trump have an uncanny ability to predict this happening? It could happen…If Trump is right a few months from now then in my eyes his credibility grows more than it is already. Personally, I can't see Obama attacking Iran since he loves and reveres Muslims and has bowed in subordination to a Muslim KIng and showed contempt for the Queen of England.

"Iran cannot have nuclear weapons" Trump declares and says that a Military action would not be off the table if he were in charge. He also stated that Iran can be delta with in other ways and now is a great time to negotiate due to the situation being ripe for attack from several areas including Israel.

However, "Obama has not a clue about how to negotiate as he is way over his head being President especially on foreign affairs" Trump says. The people of Iran are not our enemies, it is the Government that hates us and wants to get nuclear weapons and use them against us and Israel and anybody else who stands in their way including other Arab countries.

Trump, in this video, sounds Presidential, much more so than Obama and the current GOP lineup that are vying for the position. I'd hate to see him not run again just to do The Apprentice.

In my opinion America needs someone tough, someone that does not care what others think of what he says. That is Trump, Trump for President 2012.

Trump has balls, Trump has integrity…Trump will not bow to a Muslim King!

See the video below to find out more...

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